It seems to be semi-oxomorinic to update the adventuring blog from Huntsville Alabama, however, when sheer boredom sets in I have watched more hours of cable news than I can possibly bare... I guess I will resort to updating my blog. As I sit here in the lobby of what could quite possibly be the oldest hospitality building in the state of Alabama, the thought of elaborating on the excitement of my stay crosses my mind. All good tall tales start this way anyway don't they? I suppose not, just out of curiosity I googled "Huntsville Alabama Tourism" and was enlightened by this link, (if anyone can glean any actual adventure from this link please advise), Oh if only I had more time for space camp I might forget the fact that it is 36 degrees here and that I am once again relegated to a hotel room by night and a class full of know-everything jabbermouths by day...
Friday is my planned day of departure, I think it cannot come too soon, not only for my own well being but for the semi-existent quality of this blog. I imagine many people are very pleased with their lives in Huntsville, I think I will be pleased to leave, as will I imagine the readers of this blog, due to the fact that I will then have no excuse for whining. So I have whined my fill.
To be continued... (with more optimism I promise)